Women on Wheels Eastern Shore
Last year, The Deanery Project hosted Women on Wheels, a weekend retreat for women to come together to learn cycling skills and enjoy group rides on the beautiful Eastern Shore. It was such a...
Last year, The Deanery Project hosted Women on Wheels, a weekend retreat for women to come together to learn cycling skills and enjoy group rides on the beautiful Eastern Shore. It was such a...
The Making Tracks program is Nova Scotia’s #1 active transportation training program for children and youth. Since 2008, Making Tracks has trained over 5,000 youth and children in life-long active transportation safety and skills....
If you’ve been following our posts, you may have heard that the Bike Hub at The Deanery Project has received a generous grant from the Department of Energy through its NS Moves Program. Funding...
^ SATA cyclists adding some colour to the landscape. Last week we entertained a group of enthusiastic cyclists from the Shore Active Transportation Association (SATA). SATA’s mandate is to raise awareness about the need...
Since mid-May, we have been hosting “Show & Go” Bike Rides – easy, community rides starting out from the Deanery Project @ 7pm every Wednesday. The ride is very easy, and on a safe road...
The Deanery Project 37 Deanery Road, Lower Ship Harbour NS
The Bike Carnival was a smashing success. More than 70 people of all ages came out to enjoy what turned into a beautiful Nova Scotia early summer day, complete with an all-day grilling operation,...
The Deanery Project, 37 Deanery Road, Lower Ship Harbour Saturday, June 7 1:00pm – 5:00pm Enjoy bicycle rodeo games, relays and tricks introduced by giant puppets, magic, music and juggling. See unicycles, tricycles, and the...
Confirmed workshops include: Demystifying your bike Instructor: Jenna Molenaar A two hour simplified mechanics course that will include Flat Repair, Bicycle Terminology, Bicycle Cleaning and Lubrication, Brake Adjustment, and Derailleur Adjustment. Jenna is a...
Syrup Tapping Workshop Saturday, March 8 from 1 – 3:30 p.m. $10 workshop fee It’s sap tapping time again! Gotta love that sweet, gooey syrup that just seems to make the world a better place....