Women on Wheels: Cycling Retreat – May 2, 3, &4


Women on Wheels poster v5

Confirmed workshops include:

Demystifying your bike
Instructor: Jenna Molenaar
A two hour simplified mechanics course that will include Flat Repair, Bicycle Terminology, Bicycle Cleaning and Lubrication, Brake Adjustment, and Derailleur Adjustment.
Jenna is a certified CAN-BIKE instructor with more than ten years of experience as a bicycle mechanic. She started as a volunteer at a local bicycle shop and has worked at three shops in the HRM, several shops in Toronto, and has spent five of her winters racing and cycle-touring in Chile. In 2011, Jenna moved back to HRM work at the Halifax Cycle Gallery where she began hosting Women’s Bike Repair Seminars.

Safety First
Instructor: Sandra Bennet
An introduction to CAN-BIKE and how to commute safely whether in the city/town, or on rural roads. Sandra had not ridden a bike since she was a teenager but started biking again in the fall of 2009 when a cousin suggested a return to cycling. She completed CAN-BIKE 1 & 2 and in 2012 became a Certified National CAN-BIKE Instructor. Under an HRM program called Smart Cycle Sandra gives Lunch and Learn courses to many companies, government departments, and universities on cycling. She works for the Province in Health and Wellness which promotes “active and healthy living”.

Other workshops will include:

  • riding year round
  • cycling with children
  • using your bike to exercise your dog
  • sexy cycling clothing
  • and an enticing presentation that we hope will encourage you to try bicycle touring.

Conscious Catering
Conscious Catering will be providing a wonderful menu of vegetarian food and will be discussing their philosophy of eating local. Anke Kungl was raised on an organic vegetable farm and enriched by the farmers market community here in Nova Scotia. This upbringing cultivated in her a deep appreciation for food integrity and for our many amazing local producers. Together with her husband Roberto she proudly partakes in the deliverance of food from farm to table and is fueled by the positive response of people they feed. They validate their belief that food has the power to promote clarity and sustain energy, without neglecting to delight the senses.

Please register early in order to ensure on-site accommodation is available (it is limited). We cannot guarantee accepting registrations after April 30th.