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Clay Plaster Technique part 1There are many inspiring ways in which clay plaster can be used both in new builds and renovations for homes and businesses. Clay is a natural, non-toxic, abundant, recyclable material that can create beautiful, healthy and environmentally responsible wall finishes.
Join Kim Thompson as she demonstrates several clay plaster applications.
Join Kim Thompson as she demonstrates several clay plaster applications.

ESS Capstone Lecture: Urban Forestry and Wood Waste in HRMIn the 2021/2022 academic year, a Capstone course team of six interdisciplinary ESS students (Justin Andrews, Breanne Johnson, Jessica Pawlovich, Erica Porato, Jack Quirion, and Samantha Sandu) worked with Kim Thompson and Charles Williams of The Deanery Project to conduct an assessment of urban forestry and wood waste in HRM. As one of their final deliverables for the project, they are presenting a summary of their findings and hosting this panel discussion with a variety of experts with different perspectives on this important topic.