Recalling Mourning Installations by NAT chantel

The Deanery is joining in an app-guided, province wide art adventure as part of the Ecology Action Centre’s fiftieth anniversary celebrations. Participants download a map online at, after Aug. 26th. The ‘adventure ’ will bring them to the Deanery to experience interdisciplinary artist NAT chantel’s on-site installations, Recalling Mourning.

Recalling Mourning is a collection of twelve nested forms hollowed out from the inside which are based on free-fallen branches and roots. These structures are intended to be engaged with by the artist and community to clear stories of the past and invite space for healing through sounding-off and calling into the land.

This nature-based installation is a reflective response to on-going devastation from generations of people being discarded, displaced, uprooted and silenced. It calls forward our right to live, to breathe, and be of voice. We are all of the land, and just as the earth, we remain here still.

Click here to read more on Recalling Mourning by NAT chantel