Introduction to Permaculture

Saturday, March 10th, 2:00-3:30 pm
Musquodoboit Harbour Library
7900 Highway #7

Curious about what the permaculture buzz is all about?
Join long-time Permaculture Design instructor Charles Williams, as he introduces ways in which permaculture can provide practical, hands-on solutions to address both local and global issues.

Permaculture is an ecological design system focused on meeting our human needs while preserving and helping to regenerate the natural world around us.
Though there is no one size fits all answer to the interlocking challenges we face today, a Permaculture approach uses a systems view which allows us to come to novel and uniquely tailored solutions.

Learn also about the Permaculture Design Certificate being offered at The Deanery Project through six course modules from April to November.
Call 902-845-1888 for more information.

Donations to the Food Bank welcome.