Deanery Days at School

On March 14th, The Deanery Project came to Duncan MacMillan School, where ten of our Resource Team members taught interactive workshops to students in grades 7-9. Each student chose three workshops to attend throughout the day, giving them the chance to experience some of The Deanery Project’s signature traditional skills and arts workshops without even missing a day of school. Live music and hands-on learning made for lots of fun and tied back into multiple curriculum goals across a wide  range of subjects.


Some of the students’ felted soaps from Jen Organ’s workshop.


Lynne Pascoe demonstrating tire repair.


Students in the Natural Plaster workshop, creating their own masterpieces.


Choosing colours for custom felted soaps.

A big THANK YOU to all the teachers, support staff and students at Duncan MacMillan School for helping make this pilot project such a grand success.  Thanks especially to Molly Gammon (School Principal) who believed in the project from the start and brought all the pieces together.

If your school or organization would like to host a similar Deanery Day please contact us at 902-845-1888 for a list of resource instructors to choose from.