Big Learning, Big Gratitude: Ode to our amazing Fire Fighters!

The unexpected can happen ever so fast.
And before you read any further, know this little tale has a happy ending!
What a glorious, bright (and cold!) Sunday morning it was! A dozen eager, intrepid folks from across HRM gathered at the Deanery to snowshoe the Nature Trail. Sublime snow, piled high along the path, breaking virgin trail with chickadee song leading us along.
Back to the Main Hall an hour later hungry and elated, steamy bowls of homemade soup, fresh bread, salads and desert were laid out to share. Laughter and camaraderie permeated the room, the musicians tuning up for their monthly Open House jam added to the happy vibe.
Suddenly, out of the blue, the smoke alarm sounded. The old fashioned clang clang clanging type. Check the fire panel … it won’t turn off. Hmmm. Nothing burning on the stove. Then smoke, grey and whispy in the kitchen and some of the back rooms. Searching. Turn off the emergency propane. Alarm still sounding. Nothing in the basement. Still smoke. Call 911. Everyone asked to grab their coats and head outside. Still no sign of flame. Just grey smoke and smell of something … not plastic, something else. Open the windows. Turn off the power. Maybe something electrical?
Less than ten minutes later First Responders arrive … they were having Sunday lunch together up the road and quickly jumped into action. In and out, round and round the building. No sign of flame. And then two fire trucks arrive. Up and down ladders in their heavy gear into the attic. Checking, probing, puzzled. Power back on to see if the source can be detected… nothing. Nothing. Just a powerful lingering smell of smoke.
Forty-five minutes later the Fire Team is certain there is no fire. Sigh of relief. They prepare to leave and Deanery guests begin to gather to go back inside to retrieve their belongings.
Then… Andrew makes one last walk through inside. We wait. Exiting the building he strides back towards our little group waiting for his final go-ahead that we can re-enter. He has a determined air.
“I found the culprit”, he says with a smile, and passes me a perfectly formed, rock hard “carbon muffin”. OMG the microwave. How was that possible? And how was it missed by us all as we searched for the source? Machine malfunction? Isn’t that machine supposed to turn off at 1 min like it always has? Human error? A combination of the two?
Both are surely vulnerabilities worthy of paying closer attention to, especially in the kitchen. Who has not burned a pot on the stove, or left a tap dripping, or a door open…. add microwaves (if you have one) to the list of things to pay closer attention to! A new one is on order to replace the culprit in question here.
So yes! Gratitude! Huge thanks to our First Responders who are there for us, fighting fires and so much more. Keeping us safe each and every day in our homes and in our communities. You are amazing. Seeds sown in our hearts and minds, once again as to how we can more fully celebrate you … in the spring! Thank you from everyone on the Deanery Team and the Eastern Shore community.