Beyond Hopelessness: Facing Our Global Crisis Together with Courage and Joy
This one-day workshop at the Deanery on Saturday, November 4th is based on Joanna Macy’s The Work That Reconnects – please join us!

The climate, ecological, political, and social challenges we are facing are huge and complex. It is natural in our time to feel grief, despair, anger, and overwhelm when we see what is happening to our world. Many of us feel alone or isolated in these feelings, and struggle to deal with the hopelessness that often arises. How can we reconnect, ground ourselves with the land and community, and respond with courage and resilience? How do we kindle active hope to sustain ourselves for what lies ahead?
This one-day workshop is designed to support participants in discovering resilience, connection, and agency in a time of great challenge on Planet Earth. The day will include ceremony, experiential group work, discussions, time on the land, and community singing. We will ground ourselves in gratitude, move through honouring our pain for the world, seeing with new and ancient eyes, and going forth with an intention to take action on behalf of life.
This workshop will be an experience of the “Work That Reconnects,” a dynamic, interactive body of work developed by Joanna Macy, a scholar and respected movement elder in systems theory, deep ecology, and Buddhism as well as over five decades of international activism. For over 45 years, the Work That Reconnects has helped thousands transform grief, fear, and powerlessness into resilience, healing, and fortitude. Learn more about the Work That Reconnects at
This workshop is being organized by a grassroots group of volunteers. Please note that facilitators are donating their time for this workshop in order to keep registration costs low. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Additional donations are welcomed, and will go toward honoraria for Mi’kmaw Elders and knowledge keepers, travel costs, scholarships for future retreats, and other program expenses.
Register here: