Maple & Birch Tree Tapping Workshop!

We have entered the time of the Mi’maw Moon Siwkewiku’s, the Maple Sugar Moon!
This means now is the short & sweet time of year to harvest tree sap at our Maple & Birch Tree Tapping Workshop!

March 15th from 1:30pm – 4:00pm, join Horticulturalist and friend of the Deanery, Jim Turner, in the woods and by our wood stove to learn how, why & when trees produce sap! PLUS how to tap your own trees, Prepare syrup and more!
Workshop is $25 per Adult & $10 per Child under 12.
Optionally, join us for a delicious Maple syrup-inspired vegetarian lunch beforehand at 12:30pm!
Lunch is an optional $14 per Adult & $10 per Child under 12.
Please register using the following link!