How to Do an “ABC” Bike Check-A: AirThe first in a series of videos produced by The Deanery Project featuring Lynne "The Bike Lady" going over the basics of bicycle maintenance.
How to Do an “ABC” Bike Check-B: Brakes and BarsThe second in a series of videos produced by The Deanery Project featuring Lynne "The Bike Lady" going over the basics of bicycle maintenance.
How to Do an “ABC” Bike Check-C: Chain and CrankThe third in a series of videos produced by The Deanery Project featuring Lynne "The Bike Lady" going over the basics of bicycle maintenance.
How to Fit a Bicycle HelmetThis is one in a series of videos produced by The Deanery Project featuring Lynne "The Bike Lady" going over the basics of bicycle maintenance.
How to Fix a Flat Tire on your BicycleThis is one in a series of videos produced by The Deanery Project featuring Lynne, "The Bike Lady" going over the basics of bicycle maintenance.